.QUICK START To play a game of chess right away, without reading the entire manual first, simply follow these Quick Start steps! Open the battery Press the NEW GAME 2 x AAA/AM4/R03 compartment at the key to reset the back of the computer for a new computer by game of chess.3.4 Blitz Levels TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.6 Bonus Timer Levels 3.7 Tournament Levels QUICK START 3.8 Fixed Depth Levels 3.9 Tactical Level KEYS AND FEATURES 3.10 Teach Modes 3.11 Selecting Levels and Teach Modes INTRODUCTION 3.12 Openings Coach Mode 3.13 Verify Mode. Check Piece 1.responding to your actions. The meanings of the various ‘beeps’ are shown in Figure 1.
KEYS AND FEATURES d. TAKE BACK key: Press to take back the last individual move made. LCD Display Window: The Liquid Crystal take back up to 14 individual moves.Figure 1. Display Symbols and Sounds SYMBOLS SOUND 1 high tone.Acknowledge operation 1.1 A.A k.King of any key or sensory 2.2 B.b q.Queen square 3.3 c.2 x AAA/AM4/R03 INTRODUCTION This electronic chess board is a powerful computer that will play chess with you at whatever level of complexity you choose, or if you prefer, you can play a game with a friend and the computer will act as referee.
The huge range of levels of play (64) combined with the extended teach modes (11) will satisfy anyone with an interest in chess, including young and old.Making Moves Follow these steps to start a game. If necessary press GO/STOP to turn the computer on.
Set up the chess pieces in their starting positions with the White pieces nearest to you, as shown in Figure 1-2, and press NEW GAME.The Computer’s Move When the computer is ready, it ‘beeps’ and shows the ‘from’ and ‘to’ coordinates of its move in the display, as shown in Figure 1-4. For an example, see Figures 1-5a and b. Press the indicated piece down on its ‘from’ square (E7, in this case), until you hear a ‘beep’.Note that en passant captures cannot be replayed if the take back of its previous move was not allowed. Check, Mate, or Draw! When a King is in check, the display shows the check symbol (alternately with the clock display if the clock is running).
When the game ends in checkmate, draw by stalemate, draw by immediate 3 fold repetition or draw by 50 move rules, the End symbol is displayed.2. ADDITIONAL COMPUTER FEATURES 2.1 Chess Clocks Built in chess clocks keep track of the time for you and also for the computer’s side, with a four-digit display showing the total elapsed time or the remaining time for each player alternately when it is his turn.b. In an en passant capture, the computer reminds you to remove the captured pawn from the board by displaying the pawn’s location. Press down on the captured pawn before removing it from the board. See Figure 2-1a, b and c.
C.an exhaustive search for the best move can be quite time consuming. 2.5 Changing Sides with the Computer To change sides with the computer, press PLAY when it is your turn. The computer will make the next move for your side. Change sides as often as you wish! 2.6 Getting Hints from the Computer If you need help, you can have the computer show you what it would do in your position! Press PLAY on your turn, and the computer will make the next move for you.3. LEVELS AND SPECIAL MODES 3.1 Levels of Play With 768 level settings to choose from (including the Extended Teach modes), you can learn and grow with this chess computer!
As shown in the charts of playing levels in the following paragraphs, each level corresponds to one of the 64 board squares. Tactical. Computer skill is limited by not being able to look ahead more than the selected number of moves, and by not evaluating strategic advantage.
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When you set the level, bear in mind that when the computer has more time to think about its moves, it gets stronger and plays better–.C4.3 min.L:c4/03:00 C5.4 min.L:c5/04:00 C6.5 min.L:c6/05:00 C7.10 min.L:c7/10:00 C8.15 min.L:c8/15:00 3.4 Blitz Levels The levels in the D file of squares are the Blitz levels.